Statement of Publication Ethics and Misconduct

Statement of PublicationEthics and Misconduct

The Journal of Development andEconomic Policies is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards ofintegrity in publishing and adheres to the best practices outlined by theCommittee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The responsibilities of editors,authors, reviewers and the publisher are detailed below:

§  Editors’ Responsibilities

Fair Play

 The editorial team ensures that all manuscripts are evaluated based ontheir scholarly merit without regard to the author’s race, gender, sexualorientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy.


 The editor and the editorial staff are committed to treating allsubmitted manuscripts as confidential documents. Information will be disclosedonly to relevant parties, including the corresponding author, reviewers, andother editorial advisers.

Disclosure and Conflicts ofInterest

 Editors must not use unpublished information from submitted manuscriptsin their own research without the author’s explicit written consent. Editorsare required to declare any potential conflicts of interest.

Publication Decisions

 The editor holds the final responsibility for accepting or rejectingmanuscripts based on the journal’s policies and legal regulations concerningdefamation, copyright, and plagiarism.

§  Authors’ Responsibilities

Reporting Standards

 Authors must present accurate research results and discuss the study’ssignificance objectively. Misrepresentation of data or intentional inaccuraciesare considered unethical.

Originality and Plagiarism

 Authors are required to submit original work and properly cite the ideasor words of others. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable.

Data Access and Retention

 Authors should be prepared to provide raw research data upon request andmust retain this data for a reasonable period after publication.

Acknowledgment of Sources

 Proper acknowledgment must be given to all sources that influenced theresearch. Cited publications should be relevant to the manuscript.

Multiple or ConcurrentPublication

 Authors must not submit the same manuscript to multiple journals orpublish manuscripts describing identical research in different journals.

Authorship Criteria

 Authorship should reflect significant contributions to the research andmanuscript preparation. All coauthors must approve the final manuscript andagree to its publication.

Conflicts of Interest

 Authors must disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest thatcould influence the research or interpretation of their findings.

§  Reviewers’ Responsibilities

Contribution to EditorialDecisions

 Reviewers provide essential input for editorial decisions and aidauthors in refining their manuscripts.


 Reviewers who are unable to review a manuscript in a timely manner orfeel unqualified must notify the editor immediately.


 Manuscripts are treated as confidential, and their content must not bedisclosed or discussed with anyone not authorized by the editor.


 Reviews should be impartial and constructive, providing feedbacksupported by reasoned arguments to aid authors in improving their work.

Acknowledgment of Sources

 Reviewers should point out any relevant work that has not been cited bythe authors. If there are substantial similarities between the manuscript andother published work, they must inform the editor.

Conflicts of Interest

 Reviewers must decline to review manuscripts where they have competinginterests or connections that may influence their objectivity.

§  Publisher’s Responsibilities

The publisher ensures thatcommercial interests do not compromise editorial decisions and commits toupholding the academic record’s integrity. Any corrections, clarifications,retractions, or apologies will be published as needed to maintain the journal’sintegrity.