Publication Guidelines


§  The journal publishes original articles (Arabic and English) that have not been previously published and were not submitted publication in other journals or periodicals.

§  Articles submitted to the journal may not exceed 30 pages or 10000 words, including figures, illustrations, tables, references, and appendices.

§      Book and Report reviews must not exceed 10 pages.

§  Submissions to the journal should be addressed to the Editor online to Form Submit Paper (, or on to the following email address: taking in account the following points:

-             Margins in all directions should be 2.5 cm.

-             Title should be written between quotation marks (i.e “Title”).

-             The title should be in font size 16 Bold and the title must be accurate and expressive of the content of the article.

-             Font size (12 \ Simplified Arabic) for Arabic texts and (10 \ Time New Roman) for English texts.

-             The article shall be accompanied by two abstracts, in Arabic and English, of no more than 300 words each. And it should contain the name of the researcher (researchers), e-mail address and current position.

-             The journal uses the (American Psychological Association APA) reference system.

-             Six key words relative to the article must be added under the abstracts in both Arabic and English.

-             At least 3 classifications in accordance with the American Economic Classifications must be added to the paper.

All opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not express the opinion of the journal or the Arab Planning Institute.