SMEs Center

Target Groups

The SMEs Center, in harmony with the general objectives of the Arab Planning Institute, is targeting the following categories:

bg-arrow-right.png  Institutions concerned with entrepreneurship and self-employment.
bg-arrow-right.png  Public agencies patronizing, supporting and financing SMEs.
bg-arrow-right.png  Non-government domestic and international institutions supporting and financing SMEs.
bg-arrow-right.png  Institutions concerned with policy making and legislation, as well as those concerned with planning and credit policies for SMEs.
bg-arrow-right.png  Regional and Arab institutions, trade unions, associations and technical support units working in the field of SMEs development.
bg-arrow-right.png  Higher education institutions.
bg-arrow-right.png  Donors working in the field of SMEs development.
bg-arrow-right.png  Institutions concerned with self-employment, labor market policies and youth and women empowerment.
bg-arrow-right.png  Business incubators and related institutions.
bg-arrow-right.png  Chambers of commerce and industry and business organizations.
bg-arrow-right.png  Entrepreneurs and unemployed  graduates 
bg-arrow-right.png  Cooperatives and Charities related to SMEs sector.
bg-arrow-right.png  SMEs' owners
bg-arrow-right.png  Non-profits organizations related to entrepreneurship, self-employment and employment.