
API Publications - Development Series

Publication TitlePublication Date
Monitoring and evaluation within the framework of the planning process: foundations, methodologies, and international practices November 2024
The Australian Experience in Using Solar Energy for Agricultural Crop Production: Sustainability Opportunities and Challenges September 2024
Artificial Intelligence Applications and the Job Market January 2024
Planning for Economic and Social Development: A case Study of China's Special Economic Zones January 2024
Eligible industrial clusters identification approaches: Theoretical and applied contributions between geographic, economic and product spaces” October 2023
The Role of Family Businesses in Sustainable Development in Arab Countries October 2023
The Artificial Intelligence and the Future of The Egyptian Labor Market September 2023
Diversification of Education funding sources in the Arab countries in the light of international best practices February 2023
دور برامج الحماية الاجتماعية في إدارة الأزمات بالتركيز على جائحة كوفيد-19 November 2022
The Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab Countries: The Planning, Financing and Data Gap May 2022
Requirements for the application of total quality management in the public sector, with a focus on the Japanese experience September 2021
The historical development of the theories of growth and development in economic thought July 2021
The Effectiveness of the Role of Labour Market Policies in the Arab Countries: Implications for the Repercussions of the Covid-19 Crisis May 2021
The Importance of Arab Parents’ Perspective in Shaping and Developing ECE Methodologies to Increase Economical Efficiency and Social Consistency: The Montessori Method of Education April 2021
Social justice as an entrance to achieving development: A study in the comparative Arab context with the Malaysian experience April 2021
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