Planning Institute (API) has conducted a Training Program, entitled “Policies of Social Welfare" in cooperation with
the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Jordan, 30 June – 4
July, 2019.
program aimed to identify the importance of social welfare policies and
programs, and the key pillars upon which they are built, to enhance knowledge
of the methods and tools for formulating and designing such policies and
programs, and to provide participants with the skills to use various analytical
and monitoring tools in this area. It also aims at explaining how the social
segments benefiting from social welfare policies and programs are evaluated,
measuring their revenues, presenting their planning and implementation tools,
reviewing some of the Arab experiences and experiences in planning these
policies, mechanisms for integrating programs into development plans, In order
to maximize their results, and to present the role of institutions and criteria
for evaluating social welfare programs. The program also aimed to provide
participants with the skills to prepare a social welfare policy analysis paper.