
API organized a Training Program in Beirut, Lebanon.

The Arab Planning Institute (API) organized a Training Program titled “Agricultural Development Policies of the agricultural sector at the local level”, from 20/4/2019 to 22/4/2019  for the benefit of Azm and Saada Association, Tripoli, Lebanon.

The objective of the program was to highlight the role of agriculture as one of the most important economic sectors and to familiarize participants with its relationship to development. It also aimed to highlight the role and contribution of the sector at the economic and social level through the analysis of relevant indicators that reflect the reality of agriculture and the extent of the performance of the sector in terms of achieving self-sufficiency and food security, as well as the role its contribution to foreign trade. The objective of the program, was also to diagnose, identify characteristics, features, and determinants of the Agriculture sector. The focus was on agricultural development in particular natural and human resources, as well as the policies and mechanisms adopted to develop the sector. The programme also reviewed the main challenges of agricultural reviewed important measures and programmes undertaken the field of agricultural development and food security. Finally, the programme reviewed agricultural policies and successful experiences and how to benefit from them in the formulation of agricultural policies.