Arab Planning Institute (API) organized a Training Program on “Economic
diplomacy”, from 14/1/2019 to 18/1/2019 for the benefit of National Institute of
Management, Beirut, Lebanon.
training program was designed for the National Institute of
Management to train the Lebanese Economic Attaches in the field of economic
program began by introducing the importance of economic diplomacy and its role
in achieving the development vision of the Republic of Lebanon and
strengthening its position under the new global economic arrangements. The
general framework governing the need to develop diplomatic missions in the
fields of foreign trade and foreign investment was discussed in depth.
roles of international institutions (World Bank, IMF, WTO) as well as regional
institutions (Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, regional offices
of the United Nations and organizations affiliated with the Arab League, etc.)
were then analyzed.
prerequisites of economic diplomacy are then discussed through the review of
the experiences of France and Morocco.
the program focused on the skills of writing, preparing and presenting relevant
economic reports according to beneficiaries to maximize the benefit of the
efforts of the economic diplomat.