
The Arab Planning Institute (API) organized a Training Program during the period 24-28/04/2016 on "The use of Macro-Economic models in Economic Policy-Making" for the benefit of Phd Students of th

The Arab Planning Institute (API) organized a Training Program during the period 24-28/04/2016 on "The use of Macro-Economic models in Economic Policy-Making" for  the  benefit  of  Phd Students of the Economics Department,  Algeriers 3 University,  Algeria. The training program aimed at enabling participants to undestand the various modelling strategies used in develeping macro models and how to use such models in the process of policy evaluations and forecasting. The first day of the program was devoted to undestand such modes and how they are formulated, specified and estimated or calibrated. Afterwards the program went into details on how to build traditional structural macromodels show how to express them into a system of simultaneous equations, and how to identify and estimate the parameters of these models and then usen in practice.

 The second and third day of the program was devoted to the latest developments in macromodelling activity as a result of the severe criticism that were formulated against traditional models.  Such criticism led to the development of alternative competing models. The first ctiticism were formulated by economists from the pretegious London School of Economics (LSE) who argued that structural models were not able to represent the data generation process (DGP) because they ignonred the complex stochastic structure of data and the inherent dynamics of the DGP. In order to reduce this mis-specification they proposed a model reduction strategy in order to arrive a parsimounious models that well describe the DGP.

The thirs day of the program was deveoted to the criticism of the idetification methods of model parameters which was rgarded as incredible.  Critics proposed instead to model the data using Vector Auto Regresive models (VAR) models which do not need exclusion restrictions to identify their parameters. This class of models became a tool of modelling shocks to the economy within a class of models known as Real Business Cycle (RBC) models.  The fourth day of the program was deveoted to the critique regarding the formulation of expectations in the traditional models. Critics argued that structral models were not apt to evaluate policy because they assume that expectations were formulated adaptiveley and assumes paratems as fixede even in the case of policy regime change. They argued that economic agents form their expectations rationally, and that model prameters assossiated with policy shifts with policy regime. They proposed a class of models know the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) which were based on intertemporal optimization and consistent with rational expectations. The last day of the program was devoted to a lab workshop where a small prototype model was estimated and used for policy analysis.