
API conducts a Training Program on “Skills of Building and Analyzing Surveys” of Basil Fuleihan

The Arab Planning Institute (API) organized a training program from September 28th to October 2rd on “Skills of Building and Analyzing Surveys. The program was delivered in the premises of the Basil Fuleihan Financial Institute of Finance and Economy in Beirut, republic of Lebanon.  

The Arab Planning Institute (API) in Kuwait organized a training program on “Skills of Building and Analyzing Surveys” for the benefit of Basil Fuleihan Financial Institute of Finance and Economy in Beirut, republic of Lebanon during the period September 28th to October 2nd , 2015. The program aimed at giving participants the practical skills of building and analyzing the outcome of surveys. The different program sessions focused on giving practical information on the different steps of sampling bearing in mind the objectives of surveys, and on how to determine sample size, and how to design questionnaires, and how to best collect data. The training program also critically analyzed data quality, and how best develop the national information system and how best to overcome challenges facing national statistical systems.