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Working Paper Series - The Arab Region's Unemployment Problem Revisited

The Arab Region's Unemployment Problem Revisited

Volume : 0

No : 0

ISSN : WPS1015

Publisher : Arab Planning Institute - Kuwait

Author (s) : Riadh Ben Jelili 

Published Date : 1/1/2010

Contents :
The Arab world isconfronted with an increasing pressure coming from the supply side of the labormarket, generated principally by the unemployed persons looking for a job, thenew entrants on the labor market and the expected increase of the women laborforce participation rate. This pressure is compounded by structural considerationsrelating to the slow labor productivity growth, low demand for skills, slow anderratic domestic investment growth, low attractiveness of foreign directinvestment and high dependency on the dynamics of the international oil marketas well as labor migration. This working paper examines the main trends in theArab labor market affecting both supply and demand of the labor force, andpresents an overall assessment of the active labor market programs adopted insome Arab countries. It also presents some programs and policies aiming toenhance employment opportunities of Arab youth. 

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