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Working Paper Series - Assessment of Arab Export Competitiveness in International Markets using Trade Indicators

Assessment of Arab Export Competitiveness in International Markets using Trade Indicators

Volume : 0

No : 0

ISSN : WPS1010

Publisher : Arab Planning Institute - Kuwait

Author (s) : Walid Abdmoulah and  Belkacem Laabas 

Published Date : 1/1/2010

Contents :
Most of the Arab countriesface the daunting task of accelerating economic growth and creating jobs for afast growing young labor force. In an open economic environment, exportdevelopment can help achieve the growth challenge. The paper used a host of quantitativeindicators that summarize the extent of Arab export competitiveness. The dataused in the analysis are based on trade flows disaggregated at the three leveldigits (ISTC) for the years 2000 and 2006( ). The results show that most Arabeconomies face difficulties in sustaining and developing a competitive tradesector because of lagging industrialization and slow structural transformation,weak supply of exportable commodities, excess reliance on natural resources andprimary products in low technology sectors, and low level of integration in theglobal production chains. 

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