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Working Paper Series - Conventional and Corrected Measures of Gender-related Development Index (GDI): What Happens to the Arab Countries Ranking?

Conventional and Corrected Measures of Gender-related Development Index (GDI): What Happens to the Arab Countries Ranking?

Volume : 0

No : 0

ISSN : WPS1007

Publisher : Arab Planning Institute - Kuwait

Author (s) : Riadh Ben Jelili 

Published Date : 1/1/2010

Contents :
The Gender-relatedDevelopment Index (GDI) developed by the United nations Development Program hasbeen one of the first global instrument to demonstrate that the level of genderequality in a country is not solely dependent upon a country’s economicperformance. However, the GDI is still closely tied to a country’s grossdomestic product. Moreover, Population share of the genders enter theformulation of this indicator in such a way that it favors the betterperforming gender. In the present note, we implement the corrections proposedby Bardhan and Klasen (1999), Mishra and Nathan (2008) and Nathan (2008) tocapture this anomaly. 

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