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Working Paper Series - Could New Growth Cross-Country Empirics Explain the Single Country Growth of Syria During 1965-2004?

Could New Growth Cross-Country Empirics Explain the Single Country Growth of Syria During 1965-2004?

Volume : 0

No : 0

ISSN : WPS0802

Publisher : Arab Planning Institute - Kuwait

Author (s) : Rabie Nasser 

Published Date : 1/1/2008

Contents :
The goal of this paper is toexamine, whether the results of new growth cross-country empirics (Barro-typemodel) matching the results of growth accounting exercise in individualcountry, SYRIAin this case, during the period 1965-2004. To deal with this matter three mainsteps have been followed: Firstly, using cross-country growth empirics to findout the determinants of the economic growth in the developing countries.Secondly, the individual country growth accounting has been used to examine thesources of growth in Syria.Lastly, testing the extent to what, the results of cross-country model matchthe individual country analysis of Syria. The main results of thispaper are: • The main determinants of growth in the developing countries aredomestic investment, initial income, initial human capital, quality ofinstitutions, government consumption, inflation, openness, and politicalinstability, respectively. • The main sources of growth in Syria arephysical and human capital accumulation and labor growth, whereas thecontribution of the total factor productivity is too low. • Some results fromthe cross-country empirics are helpful in explaining the growth in Syria likedomestic investment; however, some other factors seem not to have the expectedrole, For instance, the relative high growth rate in Syria has associated withpoor institutions, large size of government, and closed economy, whichconsidered as main determinants of growth rate according to cross-countryEmpirics. Therefore, the cross-country growth empirics could contradict, to acertain extent, with the results of country specific growth accounting (in Syria case). 

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