Contents :
The objective of this paper is to provide relevant informationon various aspects of human capital inherited by the country as it entered itspost-conflict phase of development. Such information is judged important forplanning the future development of the country. Using established data sets thepaper shows that the country's human capital stock, defined as average years ofschooling of population aged 15 years and over, is very low (2.1-2.3 years perperson in 2000), below the threshold of 4 years beyond which increasing returnsto scale for human capital begin to accrue. It is also shown that the averagerate of return to human capital is rather low (about 6 percent per year ofschooling), contrary to established perceptions on such rates for developingcountries. Rates of return to education are higher for higher levels of education,also contrary to established perceptions. Such patterns have implications forthe inequality in the distribution of human capital over time. Moreover, it isshown that the country inherited a high degree of inequality in thedistribution of education as measured by the education Gini coefficient whichfor 2000 was 0.725. These and other results suggest the importance of designinga relevant educational reform program for post-conflict Sudan.