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Working Paper Series - Poverty in the Arab Region : A selective Review

Poverty in the Arab Region : A selective Review

Volume : 0

No : 0

ISSN : WPS0402

Publisher : Arab Planning Institute - Kuwait

Author (s) : Ali Abdel Gader Ali 

Published Date : 1/1/2004

Contents :
The paper provides a stocktaking of our current knowledge on poverty in five Arab countries: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia,representing middle income countries; and Yemen, representing low incomecountries. It draws on the most recent results on poverty based on high qualitydata. For all countries, except for Jordan, it is noted that the cost of basicneeds approach to the estimation of poverty lines is used including theestimation of the non-food component by Engel curves; and except for Jordan,such an approach gave rise to lower and upper poverty lines. The paper alsonotes that for almost all countries an attempt has been made to decomposeobserved changes in poverty over time using the conventional Datt-Ravallionmethod. On the basis of the review tha paper concludes that our knowledge baseabout poverty in the region is fairly decent, despite conflicting results andsometimes incomplete information. 

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