Contents :
Evaluation of Labor Market
Strategies for Alleviating Unemployment in Kuwait. (Arabic)
Belkacem Laabas
Labour Market in Algeria
and the Effect of Macroeconomic Policies on Unemploment Rates. (Arabic)
Chibi Abderahim
shokouri Mohamad
Economic Growth and Unemployment in Arab Countries: Is Okun's Law Valid?
Imad Moosa
Informality, Emploment and Economic Development in the Arab World.
Ibrahim Elbadawi
Normana Loayza
Labour Market Pressures in Egypt:
Why is the Unemploment Rate Stubbornly High?
Mohamed Hassan
Cyrus Sassanpour
Understanding Unemplyment in the Arab Countries: Towards A Policy Framework.
Syed Ahsan
Xing Fe Liu