المعهد العربي للتخطيط


المعهد العربي للتخطيط يعقد برنامج تدريبي حول "مهارات التمكين" لصالح موظفي وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية / في محافظة ظفار – سلطنة عُمان

Arab Planning Institute (API) held a training program on “Empowerment skills “for the benefit of the Ministry of Social Development , in the Sultanate of Oman - during the period from 26 - 28  September, 2017. The program aimed to empower social workers at the ministry with the skills/capabilities/ and techniques to empower job seekers and social security families to help them to find jobs at private sector. As well as focuses on methodologies to motivate job seekers to be self-reliance, and the best ways and means to empower job seeks to enable them to establish a small business or self-employment. The "empowerment skills "program focuses on willingness and readiness of job seeker and families of social security to be employed, and ways to help them to get jobs.