المكتبة الرقمية // إصدارات المعهد العربي للتخطيط

الكتب - Arab Development Challenges of the New Millennium

Arab Development Challenges of the New Millennium

المجلد :

العدد :

10 : ISSN

الناشر : المعهد العربي للتخطيط

المؤلفون : Belkacem Laabas (Editor)

التاريخ : 1/1/2002

The Arab countries are entering the new millennium with mixed fortunes. The daunting task of addressing the development challenges of a globalized world cannot be managed without a proper strategy that successfully integrates Arab countries with the global economy. As part of formulating this strategy and building future visions, the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait in cooperation with the University of Mohammed VRabatMorocco, organized a three-day conference on the Arab development challenges of the new millennium. This book is a compilation of the papers presented there. The objective of this introductory chapter is to give a quick overview of the issues and recommendations raised at the conference. The second part of this chapter reviews, in abstract form, the contents of the papers presented and discussed at the conference.

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