المكتبة الرقمية // إصدارات المعهد العربي للتخطيط

الكتب - Socio-Economic Indicators and Classification of Arab Economies

Socio-Economic Indicators and Classification of Arab Economies

المجلد :

العدد :

3 : ISSN

الناشر : المعهد العربي للتخطيط

المؤلفون : Ahmed Al-Kawaz (Editor)

التاريخ : 1/1/1999

Arab countries, like others, are not homogenous but rather heterogeneous. This is true whether in terms of per capita income, market structures, income distribution, foreign trade, public finance, or monetary aspects, among others. Historically speaking, different international, regional, and local organizations have adopted different criteria with which to classify Arab countries into groups. These criteria include: oil and non-oil producing countries, labor exporters/importers, surplus/deficit balance of payments.

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